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Cvećara Lotos dostavlja cveće u Rumi, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Inđiji, Irigu, Novom Sadu, Staroj Pazovi i Beogradu.


Cvećara Lotos, Srbija


Ponedeljak - Petak

O nama - Cvećara Lotos

Cvećara Lotos posluje već 35 godina, ispunjavajući sve zahteve naših kupaca sa dostavom cveća u više gradova.

A rustic flower shop with a charming stone archway entrance, adorned with dried flowers and foliage. Inside, a variety of potted and fresh flowers are displayed on wooden tables. Soft, warm lights cast a cozy glow, enhancing the inviting ambience. In the foreground, bicycle handlebars are visible, suggesting a picturesque street setting.
A rustic flower shop with a charming stone archway entrance, adorned with dried flowers and foliage. Inside, a variety of potted and fresh flowers are displayed on wooden tables. Soft, warm lights cast a cozy glow, enhancing the inviting ambience. In the foreground, bicycle handlebars are visible, suggesting a picturesque street setting.
A flower shop is illuminated in the darkness, with a variety of plants and flowers visible through large windows. Light trails from vehicles create streaks of red and white across the foreground, indicating motion along the road.
A flower shop is illuminated in the darkness, with a variety of plants and flowers visible through large windows. Light trails from vehicles create streaks of red and white across the foreground, indicating motion along the road.
A florist shop with a prominently displayed neon sign reading 'Art Floral' in pink and green atop the entrance. The storefront windows display various plants and floral arrangements. The building has a quaint, cozy appearance, set against a backdrop of trees and a slightly overcast sky. Warm orange string lights are strung along the roofline, adding a welcoming touch.
A florist shop with a prominently displayed neon sign reading 'Art Floral' in pink and green atop the entrance. The storefront windows display various plants and floral arrangements. The building has a quaint, cozy appearance, set against a backdrop of trees and a slightly overcast sky. Warm orange string lights are strung along the roofline, adding a welcoming touch.

Naša misija

Dostavljamo cveće u Rumi, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Inđiji, Irigu, Novom Sadu, Staroj Pazovi i Beogradu, sa ljubavlju i pažnjom.